You have sent me many dream questions and I’ve been waiting for a rainy day to answer them. Well, it’s raining. So, I’ve shut off my cell phone and hung the Do Not Disturb sign on my door that I “permanently borrowed” from a hotel room. In order to answer them all, I’ve created a dream series because I believe that by reading the answers to the dreams of others we enrich our waking-life. Each section in the series will focus on answering your dream questions.

Today, your wildest dream questions are my main priority.

Your Questions: I have recurring dreams of meeting a celebrity I like and not being able to take a picture with them for various reasons and feeling pissed. What does this mean? People have dreams with celebrities in them all the time. Do celebrities have dreams with nobodies in them? Why do people have dreams to meet the celebrities in their life? I had a dream last night with Lady Gaga in my face painting pink freckles on it. The dream was annoying; I didn’t want her to do that. Does she have dreams painting on random people’s faces?

What great dreams and questions. Celebrities hold a special place in our hearts and minds, and that can manifest them in our dreams.

We often imagine celebrities as living the perfect life after overcoming the odds of climbing the ladder of success. They were discovered, considered worthy of stardom and their worth is now celebrated. They have ‘Handlers” in the form of agents, attorneys and accountants who look after them and take care of their every need. We may desire to be successful financially and emotionally like we imagine they are.

Society and the media has elevated celebrities and used them as the success measuring device for life.

We are bombarded with it on TV, the radio and movies. We may subconsciously want to be in their social circle, be loved and in demand like they are, and live their party life.

This deep desire can play out in your dreams.

Another aspect to dreaming of celebrates can only be explained by you answering these questions:

 · What is it about that celebrity that is most like you or opposite of you?

· What aspect of their personality is reflected in your personality or lacking in your personality?

· What is it about them that you respect and feel could be helpful to you? Is it their strength, fortitude, sexiness, or attractiveness?

· Have they overcome obstacles that are now a part of your waking world?


A client once told me Lady Gaga and her friends marched into her living room, sat on her couch and waited for her to get dressed to come out and party with them. The client was going through breast cancer treatment and felt lonely and unattractive.

Look at the play on words; “sat in her living room and waited….”

After answering the questions above the dream message was clear to her.

•   Be yourself,

•   Overcome your obstacles,

•   Connect with strong women who will wait for you to join them in life.

•   Don’t worry about what others think of you,

•   And remember- however you are, you were born this way.


Yes, I’m pretty sure Lady Gaga has dreams of non-celebrities and may even wish she were able to walk freely down the street unnoticed. And what’s more, Lady Gaga may dream of her favorite celebrities because everyone dreams their desires.

I hope this helps to answers your incredible dream questions. Ask me anything in the comment box.

Please join us next time on Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series- #6 Dead Loved Ones and Holidays.

ABOUT Dream Expert-Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations for success in Health, Wealth, & Love. Learn more @ & download your free DREAM gift Access Your Inner Guide