Dear Dreamer, Train Your Brain.
Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.~ Edgar Cayce Dear Dreamer, You have sent me many dream questions, and I’ve been waiting for the perfect time to answer them. Well, every minute is an ideal time, so I have silenced my cell phone and hung the Do...
But By the Grace of God: Dignity No Matter What!
“My pictures are concerned with fundamental aspects of humanity. Loneliness, a search for an all-consuming faith, mortality, love, dignity, despair, and joy are the stories I attempt to show in a way that pleases the formal aspects of light and composition.”~ Renato...
Rooms in the Corners of Our Mindset
Are you “stuck” or residing in the past? Does your mindset and life seem full of painful memories rather than joyful expectations? Do you have trouble moving-on after an illness, a bad job, or a shattered relationship?
The Story of Our Time
“We must make the transition from ‘the love of power to the power of love.’” ~Dr./Professor Robert Atkinson ~ httpspixabay.comenlibrary-sky-birds-mystical-clouds-425730PixabayFree Images for commercial use No attribution required Change is inevitable. We...
Visitation: Dream or Reality?
When a loved one dies, it can leave us with such a strong longing to see them again, if only for a second, or just one-more-time. This longing for a visitation from them can be consuming. What if…we could connect with them again and spend some valuable time...