Dreams of Love and the Cat That Came Back to Play

Dreams of Love and the Cat That Came Back to Play

Have you ever had a loved one or a pet visit you in your dreams either to give you a warning or to let you know that life after death is a wonderful transition? How do you know the dream is not just wishful thinking? The answer is the very personal validation you get in your waking world.

In this video blog known as a VLOG guest Stephanie Bouchard shares two very different yet equally amazing Dreams-of-Love with us on the Kat Kanavos Show. We also discuss the importance of pets and healing, including Pet Rocks. Yes, pet rocks! They had their place in people’s hearts and college dorm rooms. It was the perfect answer to institutions that did not even allow goldfish. Remember the Pet Rock Cemeteries? Yeah, people love to love.

The first dream is a precognitive dream about her grandfather’s death that saves her life. The second is a message of love from her beloved cat that “came back” to play.

The night before her grandfather’s wake Stephanie had a dream that warned she would hit black-ice during the drive home from the wake. In the dream, she was reassured that everything would be alright because her grandfather would take care of her. Sure enough, driving home the next night after her grandfather’s wake she hit the black ice on a frozen Maine road and her car spun out of control and headed toward the lane of oncoming traffic.

What Stephanie did next both calmed and stunned her. Rather than fighting the wheel of the car she remembered the dream, let go of the wheel, covered her eyes with her hands and trusted in the belief that she would be fine. Her waking incident played out exactly as it had in the dream the night before and Stephanie survived to tell us the details in this video interview.

How often have we wondered where our pets have gone after they died? Are pets allowed in heaven? Do they just-Poof-disappear like a puff of smoke? Twelve hours after Stephanie had to euthanize her beloved cat of nineteen years, she appeared to Stephanie in a dream and they played together, just like they did when she was alive and well. In the dream, the cat was running around, joyous, and Stephanie chased her laughing. Stephanie felt her cat was telling her in the dream that she was okay. The pain was gone.

Our dreams can help us feel better about difficult decisions we must make in life, like putting a pet to sleep. But one thing is certain; your dreams are sacred doorways that allow you to connect with the-other-side and doorways through which our loved ones can also return to tell us they love us.

Click the LINK to Watch The Kat Kanavos Show : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVNIZFboqTA

About the Guest: Stephanie Bouchard is a Maine-based freelance writer and editor specializing in the healthcare and pet industries. She is also the author of “The Lap-Reluctant Cat,” a gift book for cat lovers.

image2.pngAbout the Host: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ and Author/Lecturer of the International multi-award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, Show Host on New Earth International, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Internationally Syndicated Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. She has been featured in newspapers, on CBS News, in American Express Open, and published in medical journals. Learn more @ www.KathleenOkeefeKanavos.comhttp://www.patheos.com/blogs/aboveandbeyondthe5senses/



Picture credit- the pictures are from the author’s Kat Kanavos Show Video.



Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series #9: Symbols and Symbolism

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series #9: Symbols and Symbolism

You have sent me many dream questions and I’ve been waiting for a rainy day to answer them. Well, it’s raining. So, I’ve shut off my cell phone and hung the Do Not Disturb sign I “permanently borrowed” from a hotel room on my door. In order to answer them all, I’ve created a dream series because I believe that by reading the answers to the dreams of others we enrich our waking-life. Each section in the series will focus on answering your dream questions.

Today, your wildest dream questions are my main priority. 

Your Question: Are symbols and symbolism the same to everyone in every dream? Is there a trick to using a Dream Dictionary?

Although World renowned Psychiatrists Dr. Freud and Dr. Jung used Universal Archetypes present in dreams to see into the minds of their patients to better treat them, dream worlds are unique to the dreamer. In fact, your dream world is as unique to you as your fingerprints or DNA. What is frightening to one dreamer may be enlightening to another. Take the example of a large snake in a dream. It may be frightening to someone with a fear of snakes but may be the Kundalini to others more familiar with spiritual symbolism- the ultimate rising spiritual wisdom. If it is a rattle-snake it may mean there is a warning in the wisdom, “Don’t tread here,” just like the Texas state motto. Sometimes the symbolism can be a play on words.

Therefore, although dream dictionaries are usually based on universal archetypes and helpful, they can also be limiting. Learning your own dream language is the best way to interpret your dreams. I call it learning your Alice in Wonderland “Jabberwocky Talk.” Nonsense words (perhaps based on jabber) coined by Lewis Carroll, for the poem of the same name, which he published in “Through the Looking-Glass.” You hear the words and see the pictures but they don’t make sense until you learn your dream language.

Remember; just like any other foreign language, practice makes perfect.

If you still would like to check your personal definition of something in your dream against a dream dictionary do a search for “dream dictionary” using your favorite search engine, and pick one that appeals to you. You can also get one in print from your bookstore or order it online.

Dream dictionaries work just like regular dictionaries: you look up the symbol from your dream that you want to learn more about, and it gives you some background on what that symbol might mean for you.

As the dreamer becomes more in tune with their inner-guidance, they will learn their own dream language just as I learned mine. In my book SURVIVING CANCERLAND: The Intuitive aspects of Healing, I take dreams from my dream journal and show the reader exactly how to underline important words, figure out their meaning according to their context in the dream in order to understand the dream message.

I hope this helps to answers your incredible dream questions. Ask me anything in the comment box.

Join us for Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series: #10- “Mom! My Teeth Fell Out!”

ABOUT Dream Expert Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations for success in Health, Wealth, & Love. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com Download your free DREAM gift http://bit.ly/My-Free-Gift-to-You

(All pictures and quotes were used with permission from the guest or are owned by the author.)

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series: # 2- Early Morning Dreams vs Midnight Dreams

Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series: # 2- Early Morning Dreams vs Midnight Dreams


You have sent me many dream questions and I’ve been waiting for a rainy day to answer them. Well, it’s raining. So, I’ve shut off my cell phone and hung the Do Not Disturb sign I “permanently borrowed” from a hotel room on my door. In order to answer them all, I’ve created a dream series because I believe that by reading the answers to the dreams of others we enrich our waking-life. Each section in the series will focus on answering your dream questions.

Today, your wildest dream questions are my main priority.

Your Question: Do early morning dreams come true or is only the ones we dream at midnight?

Yes, some early morning dreams can come true and they are known as Precognitive Dreams. The best way to know if your early morning dreams do come true during the day is to keep a dream journal beside your bed so you can watch for dream validation during your waking hours.

Validation can come in the form of someone saying something to you that you suddenly remember from your dream, it can be something you saw in your dream, or a situation that was worked- out in your dream.

Early morning dreams are the easiest to remember because you are coming up from the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) level of sleep through the Theta Level. The Theta Level is often used for healing.

How will you know if your dreams come true if you don’t have a way of going back to see what the dreams were or what the validation was in your waking-world.

Precognitive dreams are:

•   Dreams that come true

•   Dreams that show you a bit of the future

•   Validated in the waking- world


In your dream-state you may travel the time continuum, or you may receive important information from your spirit guides or guardian angels.

Your guardian angels are an innate gift. You are their job and they take that job seriously and often speak to us with words or PICTURES in dreams.

My dreams warned me that my doctors had missed my breast cancer all three times. If I had not believed my precognitive dreams validated by pathology reports that helped me self-advocated for additional tests I’d be dead.

Download your FREE dream journal to start a journal tonight here @ http://bit.ly/My-Free-Gift-to-You


Precognitive dreams in the book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and Premonitions- Surviving Cancerland.

published medical study done by Dr. Larry Burk. 2015 May-June Volume 11, Issue 3, pages 193-198Warning Dreams Preceding the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: A Survey of the Most Important Characteristics Page on explorejournal.com http://www.explorejournal.com/article/S1550-8307%2815%2900034-8/abstract

I hope this helps to answers your incredible dream question. Ask me anything in the comment box.

Join me next time on Your Wildest Dreams Revealed Series- #3 Dreams and Dreaming


ABOUT Dream Expert Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® believes your DREAMS can diagnose your life. Author/Lecturer of Award winning, International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing: which promotes patient advocacy & connecting with Inner-guidance through Dreams, Prayers & Meditations for success in Health, Wealth, & Love. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com Download your free DREAM gift http://bit.ly/My-Free-Gift-to-You

(All pictures and quotes were used with permission from the guest or are owned by the author.)

Celebrating Valentine’s Day During Treatment:  7 Tried-and-True Make-up Tips

Celebrating Valentine’s Day During Treatment: 7 Tried-and-True Make-up Tips


“The key to beauty is learning something new and then applying it to your life.”

Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos/author and cancer survivor


So, you have a hot date for St. Valentine’s Day. Great! Now, how do you face the overwhelming challenge of applying your old makeup techniques to your new treatment-face while in therapy? The beauty strategies you previously used went down the drain with your hair.

Now what?

How do you play up eyes that lack eyelashes for mascara, accentuate the arches of eyebrows which no longer exist, or find that dewy glow your skin lost during your last therapy? How can you accept a date looking like “death warmed over?” Well, if you are reading this Death did not land, so keep going. Can you look beautiful during treatment? Yes you can!

Here are 7 tried-and-true make-up tips.

They will help you enjoy an unforgettable Valentine’s Day by rising above the challenge of beauty during treatment and looking down on the big picture of life despite treatment. These tips are easy and quick enough to use for your date after a long day of therapy, every day during treatment, and beyond. You may never look exactly the same because you will look better.

Make-up can be a challenge during many therapies, but especially cancer treatment.

No eyelashes or eyebrows to hold beauty products in place can make you want to give up before you start. But as a three time breast cancer survivor, I learned a trick or two about beauty during treatment. These beauty tips will help you glow while you heal.

These seven techniques can be used with any products including organic ones available in most natural and health food stores and marketplaces.


  • Your face is already dry from medications, long hours in over air-conditioned hospitals, and dehydrating treatment so you may choose to avoid face powder. It has a tendency to settle into cracks and, yes, crevices; the result of skin cell moisture loss.

  • Use brown eyeliner to define your eyes and a lighter taupe eye shadow, applied with a small brush, to create eye brows. Large crayon eyeliner pencils are more moisturizing than powder, and easier to handle if your fingers are swollen, numb or tingling from neuropathy, a temporary condition from some chemotherapies. If power is still your tool of choice, wet the brush with water, dip it into the powder and then apply it to the eye area. It will keep less powder from irritating your eye’s dehydrate mucus membranes, and “set it”— hold your make-up in place.


  • Keep your cosmetics to a bare minimum and use tons of moisturizer. A drop of liquid make-up mixed with moisturizer creates a healthy glow. A drop of moisturizer mixed with cream blush, and applied to the apples of your cheeks will make you the apple of his eye. It will give you just the right amount of color to make you look naturally healthy. A fail-safe way to apply blush is to smile and your “apples” will stand out.


  • Pink stick or gel blush on your cheeks, forehead and chin can give you a sun-kissed glow no matter what skin tone you have. Use colors that are close to your own natural skin tones.


  • Spray your face with an atomizer of water to set your make-up. Small cans of Evian spray are available in department stores, or make your own “spritzer” by filling a spray bottle with purified water. Use it throughout the day to feel refreshed and to maintain that youthful dewy-glow.


  • Lipstick or clear gloss finishes a healthy look, and moisturizes your lips. There are many long lasting lipsticks on the market from which to choose. Once applied, you won’t need a touch-up, even after eating. That little bit of color on your face can make such a difference.


  • Smile! There is no make-up that can brighten your face like a smile. Beauty is only skin deep but your smile comes from the soul. Practiced smiling in the mirror for ‘muscle memory’ and used it whenever you feel like a wet noodle. It will change more than your looks. It will change the vibration around you by pulling it into a higher healing frequency.


Don’t be surprised if your laughter attracts attention.

A nurse may bring someone just starting their journey of healing over to you with the words, “Look at her, she’s glowing. See, it’s not so bad.” Your glow is a beacon of light to others still searching in the darkness of crisis. Share your tips with them.

Increase your healing light by giving it away.

This will make you even more beautiful—from the inside out. It is also a great way to do two powerful things at once; pay it forward to those still in need, and give back to the universe.

Sharing joy is universally empowering.

Laughter and smiles go together like peanut and butter, and are contagious. They are something you want to catch and give to patients who have a lowered resistance during treatment. Laughter raises all vibrational levels within ear-shot, and gives you an inner-glow that shines through to the world with the message, “I’m still here. I’m more than a survivor. I’m a Thriver!” So give someone a smile, and laugh ‘till it heals with confidence, while you are on your Valentine’s Day date. And remember, Cupid is watching.


This information is from Kathleen’s book SURVIVING CANERLAND: Intuitive Aspects of Healing


Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos- Intuitive Life Coach, survived three breast cancers missed by doctors but diagnosed by dreams & penned SURVIVING CANCERLAND: Intuitive Aspects of Healing. Kat is represented by Steve Allen Media. She’s a contributing author to many books including Kelly Sullivan Walden’s It’s All in Your Dreams, and Chcken Soup for the Soul. She’s a phone counselor for the R.A. BLOCH Cancer Foundation, Q&A Cancer Columnist for CapeWomenOnlineMagazine, “Dream Queen” for Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond, and Breast Cancer Authority, Radio Show Host, Inspirational Keynote Speaker, PATHEOS & BreastCancerYoga Blogger & OM Times Magazine Contributor. Follow her on her social media sites from her websites@ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com


(All photos are owned by the author)

Danish Research: The Graveyard Shift & Cancer

Danish Research: The Graveyard Shift & Cancer


Although humans living in dark harmony with vampires is a popular entertainment theme, it is far from reality. New scientific evidence proves that working the “graveyard shift” may put women in an early grave.


We are wired to rise with the sun and sleep beneath the moon. Following natural sleep patterns help us stay healthy. The invention of electricity gave us artificial day at night. We extended our work hours. Has progress negatively impacted our health by turning our internal clock upside down? Questions surrounding the consequences of disrupted sleep patterns may have finally been answered.

A newly published Danish study set up a case-control group from more than 15,500 women who had been in the Danish military. Of those, 141 with breast cancer and 551 without filled in a 28-page questionnaire on work and lifestyle. But the analysis was only based on 132 cases and 505 controls.

The study also stated that women working three nights a week were at a 40% higher risk of getting breast cancer than women who did not. That number doubled to 80% if they worked 6 nights a week.


Rachel Crowson of American Radio News Network called me at home to comment on air about this breaking news.


RC: “Kathleen, you are a three-time breast cancer survivor who wrote the book, Surviving Cancerland: The Intuitive Aspects of Healing. Would you please comment on this new finding?”


K: “It brings to light the health challenges of daytime vs nighttime workers when the obvious difference is natural light. Sunlight and darkness at the appropriate time is important to humans. The hormone melatonin is produced in the body during sleep cycles and regulates wake cycles. It is also a calming agent. Night shift workers may lack adequate amounts of it because the synthesis and release of melatonin are stimulated by darkness. Night workers are exposed to long hours of florescent light which inhibits melatonin production, and the room they sleep in during the day may not be dark enough to stimulate it either. Another consideration is the lack of cancer fighting vitamin D due to daytime sleep patterns. Scientific study has linked vitamin D deficiency to cancer.”


RC: “Kathleen, your story is pretty profound. Would you please share it with us?”


K: “I’m a three-time stage-four breast cancer survivor. What makes my story unique is that I used my female intuitive abilities through dreams to diagnose myself after doctors at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute told me I was healthy. I actually forced them into two operations they originally refused to perform where my true condition was revealed.”


RC: “How did you get doctors to listen to your dreams?”


K: “I didn’t. My healing journey was a double blind study between conventional medical tests and Intuitive dreams. It is a story of faith, intuitive ability, and contact with a Higher Order that gave me the strength to ignore the weight of incorrect medical opinion and the statistical survival chances to survive. I always worked with my conventional doctors, but never forgot to make the final decisions. I think it is important to point out that my dreams told me to go back to my doctors rather than looking for Swami-wami Ramalama-ding-dong. My dreams had faith in my doctors.


RC: How does your story fit into this new study?”


K: “Listen to your body. Deficiencies that lead to illness will make themselves known with signs, signals and symptoms. Our bodies have been speaking to us since the beginning of time. Believe in your Inner guidance.”


RC: “What do you see as a solution to this study? Is there an answer?”


K: “As long as two paychecks are required in homes to make ends meet, and there is a need for round-the-clock health care, there will be night shift workers and increased stress levels. Until more research is done on this information, I suggest taking vitamin D and melatonin supplements before bed. Melatonin can also help you get that much needed sleep after a long night of work and vitamine D will help put back some sunshine into your life.”


According to WebMD and the Mayo Clinic, the hormone melatonin is produced in the brain by the pineal gland.


Lisa Wilde, director of research at Breast Cancer Campaign, said: “Night shift working and breast cancer risk is a hugely complex area and two of the biggest risk factors – diet and physical activity outside of working hours – weren’t considered in this study.”


It would be paradise to work substantial week-day nine-to-five jobs. The reality is our economic challenges have put many families in financial crisis. Unable to afford child care, one parent works day shifts while the other stays home with the children. At night those roles are reversed. Many mothers work the graveyard-shifts in caregiver facilities like hospitals. It pays time and a half.

Coupled with financial problems, working night shift jobs can cause profound stress. Stress is a proven killer and is cited as one of the reasons for an increase in cancer.

Until we can all have the ideal life, job opportunities and work environment, do your body a favor; don’t put it in an early grave. Fortify it with supplements and exercise, empower it with love, and listen to it. You chose it for this lifetime. Don’t wear it out before its time. Meditate, count your blessings, and thank your Higher Power for guidance.

Resources: http://www.philly.com/philly/health/HealthDay665152_20120529_Night_Shift_Might_Boost_Women_s_Breast_Cancer_Risk__Study.html?cmpid=138896554


http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/may/28/night-shift-raises-cancer-risk-study http://www.americasradionewsnetwork.com/


http://www.americasradionewsnetwork.com/rachel-crowson-joins-americas-radio-news-network http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/melatonin/NS_patient-melatonin


Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV/Radio Producer/Host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod® and Author/Lecturer of the International award winning bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with inner guidance for success in health, wealth, and love, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams & Premonitions, PATHEOS Blogger and Columnist to Women Voices Magazine: SOUL and HOME, Kat taught Special Education and Psychology. Learn more @ www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com